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Case study

Reliable inverter solution

Unlocking our reliable, cost-effective, and lightweight solutions for residential inverters, driving both sustainability and efficiency.

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Case study

Climate neutral Desmodur® CQ MS for low-carbon PUR/PIR insulation

TVH chose Recticel Impact insulation boards based on Desmodur® CQ MS, our climate-neutral MDI, for a 43% reduction in CO2 emissions vs. classic PU panels.

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Case study

Seamless, more sustainable charging stations with Arfinio®

VEGA Chargers used Arfinio® monomaterial solid-surface technology to create the more recyclable, repairable, intricate ALOHA Gravity wall-mounted EV charging station.

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Case study

Bayhydur® quix ultra coating solutions for kitchen cabinets

Thanks to Bayhydur® quix ultra, Sirca and Finver found a low VOC, water-based and fast-drying solution for high quality, durable kitchen cabinets 

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Case study

Reliable inverter solution

Unlocking our reliable, cost-effective, and lightweight solutions for residential inverters, driving both sustainability and efficiency.

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Case study

Climate neutral Desmodur® CQ MS for low-carbon PUR/PIR insulation

TVH chose Recticel Impact insulation boards based on Desmodur® CQ MS, our climate-neutral MDI, for a 43% reduction in CO2 emissions vs. classic PU panels.

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Case study

Seamless, more sustainable charging stations with Arfinio®

VEGA Chargers used Arfinio® monomaterial solid-surface technology to create the more recyclable, repairable, intricate ALOHA Gravity wall-mounted EV charging station.

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Case study

Bayhydur® quix ultra coating solutions for kitchen cabinets

Thanks to Bayhydur® quix ultra, Sirca and Finver found a low VOC, water-based and fast-drying solution for high quality, durable kitchen cabinets 

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