Market sectors
Which skin fits your market?
When anyone picks up a product in its packaging, they interact with it. The packaging stimulates their senses – sight, touch and even sound. They respond to the colors, feel the textures or the weight and instinctively make associations in their mind. The job of the converter, packing designer and brand owner is to ensure those associations are all positive.
Sensory stimulation is crucial for any product in any market sector. The right sensory responses create the personality you want your product to have.
Here are some examples…
Skins® Rubbert
Rubbert gives a more industrial feel, a sense of practicality but also exclusivity. By adding a Rubbert skin to packaging you immediately set a product apart from others. It’s special. Different. Desirable. It serves a practical purpose by giving grip and improving ergonomics for packaging in medical and pharma but also creates an allure of added value especially for home care and consumer electronics packaging.
By understanding the connotations people get from packaging – all the connections they make in their mind – designers can use Skins® to optimize positive user-interaction from the very first moment.
Skins® Silky
Silky is excellent for cosmetics, personal care or beauty packaging. It stimulates the customer to think of softness and smoothness which will feed into their perception of the product inside - perhaps a day cream designed to revitalize their skin by making it soft.
Skins® Vel-Veeto
Vel-Veeto, on the other hand, gives a soft, velvety feel to all kinds of packaging. That’s why it’s often used in the fashion industry. Imagine browsing clothes in a store. It’s not only the clothing itself that makes an impression but the labels or tags that go with it too. They provide prime branding opportunities which can be maximized by heightening the sensory stimulation through a texture that reflects the luxuriousness of an item whether clothing, watches, wines, rings or high-end stationery.