Processing technology

Versatile PU resins for pultrusion enable high productivity of durable composite parts

We offer a range of tailored polyurethane (PU) resin systems for carbon fiber and fiberglass pultrusion. These belong to the Baydur® PUL-family that combine superior properties with fast processing, making PU pultrusion a cost-effective alternative to traditional materials in multiple sectors.
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The Baydur® PUL family represents a cutting-edge range of highly reactive aromatic polyurethane (PU) resin systems consisting of Baydur® PUL polyols and Desmodur® isocyanates, all designed specifically for pultrusion applications. These systems enable high productivity and produce durable composite parts with excellent material properties. Ideal for reinforcement with rovings or continuous strand mats from glass and carbon fibers, Baydur® PUL resins offer superior stiffness, strength, thermal insulation, and corrosion resistance, making them a cost-effective alternative to traditional materials such as plastics, wood, and metals.

The pultrusion process combines shaping, fiber impregnation, and matrix curing into a single continuous operation and allows for efficient production of high-performing straight parts with constant cross-section. Learn more about the PU-pultrusion process with Baydur® PUL in the video below:
Simply explained: The Polyurethane Pultrusion Process

Innovative Technology for Advanced Applications

Baydur® PUL resins are the result of over a decade of in-depth research and development. They offer a competitive edge in various applications across multiple industries, such as:

Baydur® PUL combines high mechanical properties with excellent thermal insulation, resulting in a durable and high-performing material. This makes it ideal for energy-efficient and strong window and door frames, as well as other structural profiles used in construction.

High-strength and energy efficient glass fiber-reinforced window profile

Baydur® PUL resins are highly suitable for cost-efficiently producing of high-performing and long-lasting applications in infrastructure, such as carbon or glass fiber-reinforced wind blade spar caps and solar panel frames, exemplifying their use in renewable energy projects.

Baydur® PUL resins offer lightweight, high-strength profiles for mobility and transportation, enhancing energy efficiency and ensuring superior performance and safety standards for critical components.
Carbon fiber-reinforced truck chassis

Higher line speeds, lower costs

Our innovative PU resins offer significant advantages for the pultrusion process, including low viscosity and high reactivity, which result in high line speed, improved productivity, and reduced manufacturing costs. In fact, our polyurethane pultrusion technology can save up to 20% on production costs compared to vinyl ester and epoxy systems.

More sustainable solutions available today

Covestro is dedicated to sustainability, offering Baydur® PUL resins as ISCC PLUS certified mass balance attributed products. These products have been attributed to feedstock originating from biomass, bio-waste and -residues, reducing the carbon footprint of the neat resin. Our mass balance solutions seamlessly integrate as drop-in replacements, requiring no technical modifications to existing production processes.

Empower your composite solutions: we support you in PU pultrusion

Our experience in pultrusion gives peace of mind to processors of Baydur® PUL at every stage of composite part development: from the concept phase, material selection and engineering design, on to the production phase, including launch and troubleshooting. Together with our partners, we help increase our customers’ pultrusion productivity, reducing the time and efforts required to produce high-quality, lightweight parts from composite materials.

Our Baydur® PUL polyurethane pultrusion resins offer unmatched properties and productivity. With cost savings resulting from higher line speeds, they produce strong and durable parts for diverse industries. A good choice for advanced composite applications.

Benedikt Kilian

Processing Development Expert, Covestro

Key Benefits

  • Design flexibility Our PU resins enable customization of properties for simple or complex composites.
  • Fast but stable processing Baydur® PUL offers low viscosity, high reactivity, fast pultrusion, and high-quality parts.
  • Outstanding performance Baydur® PUL resins offer excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance for demanding uses.
  • Cost-saving Baydur® PUL pultrusion technology can save up to 20% on production costs compared to other resins.
  • More sustainable ISCC PLUS certified mass balanced option available: a drop-in solution with reduced carbon footprint
Benefits of Pultrusion Resin for Wind Blade Spar Caps
Let’s explore our Whitepaper: Fiberglass pultrusion profiles for window applications

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