
Mono-material design unleashes smart lighting possibilities

Advanced LED technology is revolutionizing lighting and security – but obstacles such as excessive heat and harsh elements can limit its potential. Covestro is innovating with a single plastic material to empower LED functionality in surprising ways – from security cameras to smart lamps.
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Building strength, durability and functionality into LED lighting innovation

Makrolon® TC polycarbonate offers exceptional toughness, engineered to withstand even the most punishing heat, cold and impact. It dissipates heat coming from the LED and other internal electronic components. It can replace aluminum or metal, while reducing weight and cost, yet allowing greater design freedom. 
Versatile for any use, Makrolon® LED grades are available in high transmission, diffusion quality, and reflective options in addition to custom colors.
The mono-material concept reduces complexity in the design process and permits integration of sensors, displays, antennas, cameras and more. 

LED lighting solutions that work smarter, harder

Covestro put Makrolon® polycarbonate to innovative use to develop a smart LED luminaire for public spaces. This singular material unleashes smart communication technology with situation awareness. Within one smart lamp, Covestro has integrated a Wi-Fi hot spot, camera lens, emergency warning speaker, time display, system status indicators and other built-in sensors. A light can be more than just a light ¬– and stand up to the harshest weather or urban setting.

Integrating multiple functions into one smart security camera 

It takes more than a bright light to ensure safety. Thanks to Makrolon® polycarbonate, a smart security camera light uses adaptive proximity technology to activate when intruders are detected. Surveillance features combine a high discharge LED light with IR and visual cameras plus audio warning functionality.

Mono-material design for LED lighting solves for sustainability

Expansive design freedom is matched by a commitment to sustainability. Using Makrolon® polycarbonate for multiple components greatly reduces complexity in the design process and allows for easier end of life recycling. Simply remove the circuit boards – because no screws are needed for mounting PCBs. And because Makrolon® can replace metal and aluminum, weight and cost are reduced as well. 

Key Benefits

  • Strength and durability Withstands heat, cold and impact
  • Functional integration Can incorporate sensors, displays, antennas, cameras and more – almost any electronic component
  • Thermal management Dissipates heat coming from LED and other internal electronic components
  • Sustainability Reduced weight, parts and materials leads to more sustainable design
  • Lightweight Can replace metal or aluminum for reduced weight and cost

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