
Electronics, appliances & telecommunications

In electronic, electrical and appliance applications including battery housings and insulation, device cases, screens or light panels, we provide dedicated raw materials for thermoplastics, foams, films, elastomers, TPU, composites and more.
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Case study

Seamless, more sustainable charging stations with Arfinio®

VEGA Chargers used Arfinio® monomaterial solid-surface technology to create the more recyclable, repairable, intricate ALOHA Gravity wall-mounted EV charging station.

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High Stiffness Makrolon® for lightweight, durable laptops and beyond

Laptop trends favor lightweight, durable, fashionable, and more sustainable designs. Discover how high-performance polycarbonate tackle these requirements!

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Enhancing heat management with digital design tools

Enhancing heat management with Covestro's digital design tools for efficient, lightweight, and cost-effective thermally conductive polycarbonates

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Unleashing cast PU 

We transform cast PU elastomers to boost fire resistance or provide antistatic, antihydrolytic or antibacterial properties.

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Case study

Seamless, more sustainable charging stations with Arfinio®

VEGA Chargers used Arfinio® monomaterial solid-surface technology to create the more recyclable, repairable, intricate ALOHA Gravity wall-mounted EV charging station.

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High Stiffness Makrolon® for lightweight, durable laptops and beyond

Laptop trends favor lightweight, durable, fashionable, and more sustainable designs. Discover how high-performance polycarbonate tackle these requirements!

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Enhancing heat management with digital design tools

Enhancing heat management with Covestro's digital design tools for efficient, lightweight, and cost-effective thermally conductive polycarbonates

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Unleashing cast PU 

We transform cast PU elastomers to boost fire resistance or provide antistatic, antihydrolytic or antibacterial properties.

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A variety of polyurethane elastomers for different processes
Baytherm®: Low-density, high-insulation PUR foam for cold and hot applications. Ideal for refrigerators, containers, heating pipes, and boilers
Smart combinations of polycarbonate and polyester in ultra-tough materials
Thermoplastic polycarbonate films
High-performance polycarbonate for applications in diverse industries.

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