Case study

A tailor-made TPU material for spiral hose and tube producers

Industrial hoses and tubing must perform well in a variety of environments. To do so, they must be made of materials that are up to the task. Covestro has formulated an Ester-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) that offers transparency and consistent processing for spiral hose applications.
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Broaden TPU portfolio to meet customer needs

Covestro offers a wide range of TPUs that have been proven in a variety of applications. With our focus on innovation, we understand the need to keep pace with our customers’ evolving needs. Because of this mindset, we recognized the need fill a gap in our Ester-based material portfolio.  


Formulate a TPU optimized for spiral hose applications

Develop and produce a technically competitive 80 Shore Ester material with a similar performance to other TPUs, at a competitive price. 


Covestro TPU: Clearly a smooth solution

Covestro developed Desmopan® 3378A TPU, an 80 Shore A Ester-based TPU with excellent mechanical properties. This material runs smoothly in all extrusion processes.  

For spiral hose applications, it provides a combination of transparency, consistent extrusion output and the option for higher production speeds, resulting in higher output for the customer.

Desmopan® 3378A: A better option for spiral hose applications

  • High wear resistance:  Durable and long-lasting performance.
  • Chemical resistant:  Demonstrates resistance to oils and some solvents.
  • Stable process behavior:  Offers consistent processing.
  • High transparency:  Optical properties meet transparency requirements.
  • High extrusion speed:  Customers can achieve higher production line output.

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