
Seed coatings: Biodegradable Amulix® solutions for more sustainable agriculture

Agricultural systems are facing tremendous challenges. A growing global population relies on a stable food supply, while climate change, soil degradation, biodiversity loss, and regulatory changes make farming more challenging than ever. The industry needs to achieve more output with fewer resources and a lower environmental footprint. Seed coatings can address many of these challenges, helping growers achieve maximum crop yield with minimum environmental impact. At Covestro, we’ve developed high-performance film coatings and binders with an excellent biodegradability profile – ready to meet tomorrow’s market and regulatory requirements.
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Bio-based, bio-degradable seed coatings for vegetables and field crops.

Key benefits

  • High performance: Reduce dust, increase flowability, and ensure good germination.
  • Regulation ready: Comply with the incoming EU microplastics restrictions.
  • Future proof: Show excellent compatibility with biologicals.
  • Robust: Impart strong binding properties and abrasion resistance.
  • More sustainable: Can be predominantly formulated with bio-based ingredients.

More sustainable agriculture starts with seeds. Protecting and nurturing them throughout their growth cycle is essential, which is where our expertise in seed coatings comes into play.

As leaders in more sustainable coating technologies, Covestro brings together the magical power of nature and chemistry. Leveraging our extensive technology toolbox, we design high-performance binding polymers with superior biodegradability and unique properties, enabling the formulation of breakthrough seed coating solutions for tomorrow's agriculture. We also offer seed coating formulations as an ideal base for our customers to customize according to their needs.

The new generation of high-performing and biodegradable seed coatings is compliant with EU microplastics regulations, and ensures both maximum yields and healthier soils, making every future harvest more sustainable. 

Welcome to Amulix® naturally powerful seed coatings. Are you ready to make the shift?

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