
Safety first: Baysafe® absorbs energy in solar car crashbox

To compete in the World Solar Challenge, each team must submit a safety concept that demonstrates how the solar car’s driver will be protected during an accident. Team Sonnenwagen Aachen e. V. turned to Baysafe® polyurethane foam to design a crashbox that withstands any force from a collision.
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Protect the driver in the event of a frontal crash

When it comes to racing, a safe car can mean the difference between life and death. In the event of a frontal crash, Team Sonnenwagen needed to create a concept that absorbs the impact of 5G energy. This force is so powerful that it is the same amount faced by top fuel racers and the maximum amount that a human can withstand before passing out.

We chose Baysafe® because it is the lightest option with the highest energy absorption and best safety properties.

Yusuf Can Arslan

Head of Structure, Team Sonnenwagen Aachen e.V.


Find the right material to support the crashbox

For optimal crash performance, the Sonnenwagen’s crashbox required a material that meets two important criteria: light weight and high energy absorption.

The crash box made with Baysafe®contributes to the safety of the solar car and is very light at the same time.

Claudio Pauler

Regional Product Line Manager, Covestro


Baysafe® withstands the impact for a safe race

Using Baysafe® polyurethane molded foam, Team Sonnenwagen developed a crashbox that is installed in the front of the vehicle to protect the driver if faced with a head-on collision. Featuring superior energy-absorbing properties, lightweight Baysafe®helps the Sonnenwagen withstand any impacts for a safer journey. 

Find out how Covestro materials also strengthen the Sonnenwagen.

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Why Baysafe® is the right solution for the Sonnenwagen crashbox

  • High energy-absorbency Protects vehicle, passengers and pedestrians regardless of impact direction.
  • Dimensional stability Prevents squeaking and rattling of components over a long period of time.
  • Economical production Save costs by insert molding anchoring elements and bonding supports.

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