
Innovative Pasquick® coating technology for wind energy towers

More and more wind turbines are being installed all over Europe. Alucrom AB, a supplier for a large number of these projects, was finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with the constantly increasing demand and was therefore looking for a coating solution that helped to speed up the production process.
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Satisfy a rapidly increasing demand

The task in this case was to speed up the coating process to keep up with the constantly increasing demand.

Devise a faster coating system with environmentally friendly properties

Alucrom AB set the coating manufacturer Hempel A/S the following mission: delivery of a system with faster-drying low-VOC paint that would significantly speed up production at their factory in Malmö

Two-coat system with a topcoat based on Pasquick®

Hempel successfully completed this mission by developing a two-coat system based on a zinc epoxy primer and a topcoat with Pasquick® technology. 75,000 liters of Hempel paint was used during the entire test period and the system based on Pasquick® is now the standard solution in their production. As a result and having given the enormous towers an exterior coating of DFT 320 μm and an interior coating of DFT 200 μm, Alucrom was able to deliver six complete towers per week to its client Enercon Windtower Production. “So far all the parties involved are very satisfied,” says Hempel’s sales consultant, Lars Rosen. “VOC emissions have been reduced by 30%, and more sections can be produced per day thanks to the shorter drying time.”

So far all the parties involved are very satisfied. VOC emissions have been reduced by 30%, and more sections can be produced per day thanks to the shorter drying time.

Lars Rosen

Sales consultant, Hempel

Why Pasquick® was the right solution for wind turbines

  • Fast-curing: More productivity thanks to a shorter drying time.
  • Fewer coats: Two-coat system for cost-efficient, time-saving production.
  • Low-VOC: Up to 30% reduction in VOC emissions.

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