
A note to our Healthcare customers

In this note, George Paleos addresses how we remain committed to meeting the healthcare industry’s needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. George, global head of Healthcare at Covestro, has spent much of the last 20 years in the healthcare industry in a variety of roles ranging from product management to sales and marketing.
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Continued commitment in unprecedented times

Dear readers,

I hope that you’re safe and healthy during this time. 

For 50 years, healthcare companies have relied on our industry expertise and ability over the long term to deliver a quality, consistent and reliable supply of innovative materials. This continued trust and confidence have positioned us as the leading polycarbonate supplier to the healthcare industry around the world.  

In this unprecedented situation, we are seeing an increased demand for diagnostic, respiratory and other life-saving devices. And we’re taking action. 

As you read this, our global, cross-functional teams are working around the clock in a challenging environment to help meet the urgent need for materials that has arisen during this time. We have responded expeditiously and with commitment to existing customers, as well as to new entrants and startup companies that have joined the fight against the coronavirus pandemic worldwide.

Leveraging our global footprint has enabled us to address regional supply issues with continuity of supply, despite global value chain disruptions. We are working quickly to rush orders to medical equipment manufacturers— delivering polymers for the production of diagnostic and respiratory devices and personal protective equipment, among others. We are also providing our existing materials and applications engineering know-how to new healthcare entrants and for 3D printing technology.

Overcoming this pandemic requires a collaborative effort. All of us at Covestro are proud and grateful to contribute to the healthcare industry’s extensive efforts to contain COVID-19. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at

Thank you for your readership, and stay safe.


As you read this, our global, cross-functional teams are working around the clock in a challenging environment to help fulfill the urgent need for materials that has arisen during this time.

George Paleos

Global Head of Healthcare, Covestro

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In the meantime, feel free to discover our innovative material solutions!

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Your Covestro Team
