A flexible approach for custom-made machinery
Industrialized design always scalable: Baulé® alpha machines
The alpha concept allows you to choose from a wide range of configurations in order to end-up with the exact machine you need at the moment of the purchase, with the possibility of easily upgrading the model according to your evolving needs. In a precisely elaborated frame, a great number of combinations can be made to suit both the means and needs of every customer.

We trust the Baulé® machines from Covestro for decades. We value their flexibility and their accuracy for successful production. With our most recent Baulé® alpha machine, we can go one step further: its scalability ensures that we have a solution whatever the processing requirements.
Designed to any specifications: Baulé® omega machines
The omega’s tailor-made concept consists of building the Baulé® machine according to the customer specifications. Efficient and creative solutions to answer customer needs are proposed thanks to our wide experience and technology accumulated over several decades. Our senior engineering team makes possible any viable combination of features.

Hand casting device: Baulé® quikmix device
Besides continuous processing through dispensing machines, Covestro developed a unique batch processing equipment with vacuum and on the fly multiple mixing step capabilities. Thanks to these functions, the Baulé® quikmix supports the processing of many reactive systems even the most challenging ones.
This equipment stores up to 70 programmable profiles and also includes 20 qualified and optimized pre-programmed profiles dedicated to Covestro systems.

Thanks to the Baulé® quikmix device, we successfully process our parts: we no longer experience bad mixing or degassing issues. As most of our parts are transparent, the slightest defect would be obvious. With the Baulé® quikmix device, there are no more defaults: our transparent parts remain always bubble-free.