
Decovery®: so why are we doing this?

Extracting oil from the earth, processing it, and then burning it so it ends up in our atmosphere. This is a good way to destroy our planet … So why do we do it? That is a good question. The good news? Alternatives exist, and this is precisely why we created Decovery®.
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Painting a brighter future 

If ever it was time for a viable, sustainable alternative to oil-based paints, coatings and inks then it is now – because this is exactly what Decovery® delivers. Made from up to 52% plant-based content, it reduces the carbon footprint by up to 36% when compared to fossil-based alternatives.  

We can put this another way. Imagine using 10 kg of Decovery® instead of a fossil-based alternative. That will have the same impact as planting 16 tree seedlings and then letting them grow for 10 years. 

Making fundamental products such as paint in a more sustainable way concerns everyone

Of course, no one person or company can do this alone. Kicking our oil-based habits and tackling the environmental challenges facing our world requires us all to get involved and commit to change. Changing the paint and coatings industry means innovation and increasing the commercial viability of more sustainable paints. 

Here at Covestro we intend to be a catalyst and a leader in making this aspiration a reality by empowering our customers to manufacture plant-based paints and making it easy for people to use them. There is a clear need for us to come together and create more sustainable products. And it needs to happen sooner rather than later. 

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