
Desmodur® ultra IL 1351 BA

Aromatic polyisocyanate based on toluene diisocyanate.As the hardener component for fast-drying two-component polyurethane coatings.

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General Characterization


Storage Conditions

- 储存于科思创原装密封容器中。
-推荐储存温度:> 0-30℃。
- 避免潮气,热和外来物质。


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Packaging Type

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Technical Properties & Datasheets


Property Name Test Method Unit Value
当量 约 525
密度,20℃ DIN EN ISO 2811-3 g/ml 约 1.09
闪点 DIN EN ISO 1523 °C 约 26


Property Name Test Method Unit Value
色值(lod) DIN EN 1557 ≤ 1.0
NCO含量 DIN EN ISO 11 909 % 8.0 ± 0.3
非挥发组分含量( 0.2g/1h/120°C) DIN EN ISO 3251 % 51.0 ± 2.0
粘度, 23°C DIN EN ISO 3219/A.3 mPa*s 1300 ± 450
TDI 单体含量 DIN EN ISO 10 283 % < 0.1


Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
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