Benefit List


Key Benefits - BenefitListTitle

  • BenefitListTitle 1 BenefitListElementText 1
  • BenefitListTitle(20) BenefitListElementText 2 - This text can be up to 80 characters long, like this
  • Another Benefit In the text block you can give more information about the benefit
  • Thorough:  We test to ensure our resins meet the strictest requirements
  • Customer-centric Testing is part of our commitment so customers can rely on our solutions


Template key benefits

Important notes

  • Title of the component: Key Benefits (This is a default title but can changed)
  • Number of characters:
  1. Title: max 20 characters (in bold)
  2. Benefit text: max 80 characters. This is a single line text field, so no links and other layout changes possible. 
  • Preferably only 5 items are displayed