Do and don't: large teaser


  • Do not use vague descriptions like "learn more", it's not compelling and it does not provide enough context for users who just scan the page or users using assistive technology
  • Do not use images that have a background that is to light. The copy of the large teaser is always in white. It's not very readable that way for visitors.
  • Do not use images with copy on the image itself. The copy is not picked up by search engines and there may be an overlap with the actual copy of the teaser.

Bad example


  • Do use images with a clear contrast with the white text
  • Do use clear image with no copy on it
  • Do use specific actions like "Download the Markolon Brochure"
  • Do start with a verb like "Download" or "Explore"
  • Do clarify what will happen (what action can the user expect)
  • Do include keywords like the product name or the brochure that will be downloaded

Good examples


  • Do not use vague descriptions like "learn more", it's not compelling and it does not provide enough context for users who just scan the page or users using assistive technology
  • Do not use images that have a background that is to light. The copy of the large teaser is always in white. It's not very readable that way for visitors.
  • Do not use images with copy on the image itself. The copy is not picked up by search engines and there may be an overlap with the actual copy of the teaser.