Rich Text
Centered Title
On this page you can find all different ways of working with a Rich Text component, which is used on all types of pages. We give you an overview of the possibilities to inform and inspire you, that way you can discover the usage variety of this component.
Example and important notes
The Rich text has an enormous number of possibilities. Underneath we will be giving you some examples of what is possible within this component.
Heading 2 title
Heading 3, to be used underneath a heading 2 to provide some deeper levels
Header 4, to be used underneath a heading 3, for an even deeper use of levels.
After a title, it is always best to switch to normal text again to give the topic some substance, unless if you use a deeper header organization of course. If you don't do this, your topic itself will be 'empty'. If you just want to sum up possibilities, it's better to use the 'bullet list' or 'numbered list' options.
- Like in this example
- You can use different numbered bullet point to sum up reasons
- The list goes as long as you need it to be
Next to the numbered list, you can also use the 'bullet list', for example:
Our new product, the Makrofol© XXXX, is available in the following countries:
- Switzerland
- Germany
- Japan
- Australia
It also possible to put words in bold that are important in a text, or underline words which you would like to stress.
You can also put subtle (or not so subtle) links in text, to redirect people to another page. This link can be to an internal page (which is great for SEO) but also to external pages. In general, we recommend letting links to external pages open in a new window, that way the user will still have your website opened in another window. Next to link to pages, you can also put in anchor links which take you to specific topics on a page, like this anchor link should take you back to Heading 2.