Take care of these topics before publishing in the Solution Center

What are the most frequent remarks?

  • No use of the latest template: always use the latest version of the template. They have the latest information images sizes, text length...
  • Image sizes is not correct: when the image size is not as mentioned in the briefings, Sitecore crops automatically, so the user doesn't see what is important
  • No MediaHub id in the template: a MediaHub id for a page is obligatory. A page cannot be published without.
  • Missing or wrong MediaHub id for download: For downloads we also need a MediaHub id as we use the documents from there. Check if you are adding the correct id, otherwise the documents is not findable. 
  • Intro too long: the intro is displayed in a bigger font, when the intro is too long, the screen is filled with the big text. It also takes the user too long to read what they will get from the text.
  • No links to teasers: there are not always teaser links mentionned in the template. This is necessary information to create a teaser.
  • Quote too long the quote is displayed in a bigger font, when the intro is too long, the screen is filled with the big text. It also takes the user too long to read the higlighted content.
  • Meta data missing or too long: meta data is important for SEO purposes, it really needs to be added in the template. If the data is too long the title or description is cut off in Google. Always look at the column with the maximum number of characters. 
  • No translation or translation not updated: we always need the content in the 3 languages before it can be published. If you want to update the content, always do that for the 3 languages.
  • Track-changes are not correct: there is a mix of changes in text, track-changes, colored text. there are old track-changes in the document. It is important to use track-changes in a correct way. There 3 big advantages
  1. More efficient for content editors: they immediately see what content is new or updated. They don't need to update the whole article
  2. More efficient for creators of the briefing: when you want to update a page several times, you can remove all changes in a simple click and you can start updating from a clean page. The briefing is so an exact copy of the current page and what new changes need to happen
  3. More efficient for translators: they immediately see what copy needs extra translation
  • Always add a publish and upload tasks: and they should be 2 days apart. So content editors can upload the content on time, and plan their work. If they spot inconsistencies in the template, there is enough time to contact the content creators to ask for some updates. 
  • No extra notification for short term tasks: if a taks is really urgent don't only use Kapost. Also contact Tugba or Maurizo, so they can warn delaware.