Case study

Translucent Makrolon® DQ in Steinel® luminaires

The significance of sustainability and energy-efficient materials for lighting solutions has become central to luminaires design. Utilizing the Makrolon® DQ series in diffusers allows our partner Steinel® to attain, in certain instances, an enhancement of up to 14% in light transmission and light output.
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Luminous efficacy - Key to more sustainable lighting

Most of a luminaire's product carbon footprint is caused by its energy consumption over the many years of use. The company Steinel GmbH is dedicated to designing luminaires that minimize energy input while achieving the desired luminous efficacy. Energy-efficient materials are essential to this luminaire. One primary emphasis lies in the translucent diffusers, responsible for dispersing LED light and concealing hot spots to safeguard the eyes.
Steinel® Sensor LED Indoor Light - Professional Line: RS PRO R20 plus SC

"The declared aim of our lighting segment is to offer our customers a toolbox for energy-efficient and more sustainable lighting solutions. I am delighted that Steinel® is an enthusiastic and creative partner who shares this vision and successfully translates it into innovative products."

Technical Product Manager, Covestro Deutschland AG


Covering LED hot spots – Increasing lighting output

The required diffusion is individual for each luminaire and is achieved by adding scattering additives. This leads to a decrease in light transmission – light is absorbed in the diffusor, and, therefore, energy is lost on the way from the LED into the room. Therefore, energy-efficient lighting requires exceptionally pure and high-quality materials. In addition, the scattering particles must complement the material perfectly.
Steinel® Sensor LED Indoor Light - Professional Line: RS PRO R20 Q plus SC

Makrolon® DQ – Diffusion Quality

To enable maximum quality for diffusers, we developed a new generation of translucent lighting materials: Makrolon® DQ. Compared to existing solutions, it achieves an incredible increase in-light output while maintaining the level of scattering. This significantly reduces energy consumption in the short and long term.

To set the highest standards, Steinel® has converted its PC-based lighting portfolio to Makrolon® DQ, increasing transmission by 14 % in some cases. In summary, this marks a significant stride towards achieving greater sustainability in the lighting industry.

“It's fantastic to see Steinel® using our high-quality polycarbonates, such as Makrolon® DQ, to create more sustainable, energy-saving luminaires. We are very proud of our many years of partnership and eagerly await the next innovations.”

Mike Kühn

Technical Sales Manager, Covestro Deutschland AG

Key benefits

  • Luminous Efficacy  Utmost light transmission for energy-savings during the time of use.
  • Customized  Several levels of hiding power suitable for your luminaires.
  • LED lighting efficiency Optimized products for exposure over long periods (strongly reduced "yellowing").
  • Flame retardant Makrolon® DQ FR variants for highest demands on light and fire safety.
  • More sustainable Makrolon® DQ RE variant with attributed bio-circular raw materials for lower carbon footprint.

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