
Product Design and Improvement

A process that considers health, safety and environmental impacts in the innovation, design, development, and improvement of products, their manufacture, and uses.
  • The Covestro diamond process is a business-driven industrial marketing stage-gate® tool that divides process into series of deliverables (stages) and decision points (gates). Projects must fulfill criteria in each stage prior to obtaining management approval to proceed to the next stage. We have embedded product safety and sustainability as deliverables in this process. Discussions begin at early stages with an initial consultation between Business and Product Safety representatives. Product safety deliverable document defines whether new application using Covestro materials:
    • is safe for its intended use.
    • may be a sensitive use.
    • as regulatory concerns/requirements that need additional consideration.
    • includes action items.
  • The procedure utilizes a checklist that serves as the guidance document to facilitate dialogue during the New Product Use Review (which includes changes to the plant and process safety elements) and will be utilized by experts in Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs (PSRA) during the meetings with the Business Units. The Sustainability process builds as stages progress, starting with a mandatory “screening” of specific sustainability criteria to assess the environmental impact at all life cycle stages and could build to a full life cycle assessment if the project needs it. The concept is to identify potentially positive and/or negative impacts early on in development of the product/application development where changes to the project can still be made.
  • Covestro-wide global core process devoted to Product Safety and Stewardship that is audited externally. This process has training modules established with real-world examples that are updated once per year and required for all Covestro employees.
  • Company position statement and charter on Responsible Care®.
    Responsible Care Policy.pdf
    Responsible Care Charter_signed-2016.pdf

Product Safety Code – Other Management Practices

  • Product Safety Code

    Value chain communication, cooperation and outreach

    Processes to work with suppliers, customers and other value chain participants to foster product safety management and information exchange along the value chain, commensurate with risk.

  • Product Safety Code

    Information sharing

    Publicly available product safety and stewardship information.

  • Product Safety Code

    Performance assessment and continuous improvement

    Routine monitoring and assessment of product safety and stewardship, with processes in place to drive continuous performance improvement and implement corrective actions when needed.

  • Product Safety Code

    Accountability and management

    Clearly established organizational accountability for product safety and stewardship. Product safety and stewardship are integral to business processes and employee expectations.

  • Product Safety Code

    Prioritization of products

    A risk-based process that considers available hazard and exposure information to prioritize products in need of further evaluation.

  • Product Safety Code

    Leadership commitment

    Senior leadership commitment to a culture of product safety and stewardship. Each company’s senior leadership demonstrates clear commitment through their words, policies and actions throughout their organization and in external communications.

  • Product Safety Code

    Product information

    A process to develop and maintain information on safety, health and environmental hazards, intended uses and exposures for new and existing products to support risk characterization and product safety management.

  • Product Safety Code

    Risk characterization

    A process for the characterization of product risks based on information collected on hazards, intended uses, and exposures associated with the stages of a product’s lifecycle.

  • Product Safety Code

    Product safety management

    A process to identify, implement, document and communicate health, safety and environmental measures to manage risk so that products can be safely used for their intended purposes.

  • Product Safety Code

    Management of new information

    A process to identify and evaluate new information that may trigger changes to risk characterizations and product safety management actions. Such triggers include significant new product safety and stewardship information, including hazard, use and exposure information.

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