
Responsible Care® at Covestro

Product responsibility is very important at Covestro. Everyone involved with this issue around the world has a duty of care to minimize the health, safety and environmental risks of each product over its entire lifespan, from research and production through to disposal.

Regarding the safe handling of products, Covestro professionals, across all areas of the business, work closely with customers, trade associations, distributors and the public. The aim is to ensure that health, safety and environmental considerations are communicated effectively throughout the supply chain. Covestro also pays particular attention to new materials and technologies by providing information and guidance for their intended use.

From research and development through to production, packaging, distribution, storage, use and disposal, Covestro’s Product Stewardship activities are designed to minimize risks throughout the life-cycle of its products. This approach fits well with the guidelines from the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), of which Covestro is a member. The company also actively supports – and participates in – the Responsible Care® and Global Product Strategy (GPS) initiatives. These both aim to ensure that society continues to benefit from innovation, while health, safety and the environment are protected and sustained.

Responsible Care® Product Safety Code

Similar to Covestro’s approach, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and its members developed the Responsible Care® Product Safety Code to drive continuous improvement in chemical product safety as part of the industry’s signature environmental, health, safety and security management system.

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Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us.
We have received your request and one of our experts will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to discover our innovative material solutions!

Speak to you soon,
Your Covestro Team
