
Distribution safety support in the United States

Covestro distribution safety experts define, implement, and communicate procedures and guidelines for the safe distribution of its materials.

Covestro distribution safety principles

Each employee of Covestro and its agent(s) is responsible for the safe handling and offering of Covestro materials for distribution. It is the responsibility of all levels of management and supervision to assure that materials being handled and offered for distribution are done so in compliance with Covestro safety procedures.

  • Covestro will develop, implement, maintain and monitor training programs which will ensure that its employees are fully informed of the corporation's safe material handling and regulatory requirements.
  • Covestro will provide its customers and vendors with product information and literature to assist in their development of safe distribution, handling, use, packaging, recycle, and disposal practices for its materials.
  • Covestro management and its employees are committed to working with all parts of the distribution network (customers, carriers, freight forwarders, warehouses, shippers and vendors) to assure the safe handling of all Covestro materials being tendered for distribution.
  • Covestro is committed to utilizing transportation carriers, regardless of mode, with proven safety records and who maintain acceptable levels of safety fitness, exhibited through their ability to transport all materials offered, in a safe manner and in compliance with all regulatory statutes and Covestro Safety Guidelines. Covestro will develop and implement audit protocols that determine a carrier's continued safety fitness. Covestro will implement procedures for feedback to carriers to communicate discrepancies and will work with carriers to improve safety fitness. Covestro will select and utilize warehousing and bulk terminal operations which are capable of meeting and maintaining the required level of Covestro safety fitness. Covestro will develop and implement audit protocols that will determine the safety fitness of all warehousing and bulk terminals utilized by Covestro. Covestro will implement procedures which provide feedback for discrepancies and will work with warehouse and bulk terminal operators to improve/maintain required levels of safety fitness.
  • Covestro will promote selection and utilization of packaging for its materials which meet all regulatory requirements and will provide consistent corporate-wide packaging. Further, Covestro will continually strive to assure that all packages utilized will provide 100% containment of the contents and, where possible, can be recycled, reused, or disposed of in an environmentally safe manner.
  • Covestro will develop, implement, and maintain a corporate emergency response plan with procedures for receiving notification of, response to, and handling of all emergencies resulting from accidental releases, fires, or exposures to any Covestro material. Covestro will further provide and maintain 24-hour response capabilities for the handling of such emergencies. Additionally, Covestro will provide assistance, upon proper notification, to the public and other mutual aid response personnel when requested.
  • Covestro will establish and maintain emergency response T.E.A.M.s (Transportation Emergency Assistance Methods) whose members are adequately equipped and trained to provide on-scene assistance for emergencies involving Covestro materials, regardless of location.

On-site distribution safety assistance for selected Covestro products

Covestro can offer on-site assistance in the form of site visits to discuss hazard awareness and best practices for the unloading and storage of Covestro products. Distribution Safety support services are listed below.

Bulk assistance program
A comprehensive program designed to provide on-site consultation for new and existing customers to assist in evaluating material handling equipment and capabilities, preparation of first bulk delivery of materials, and awareness education of employees on the hazards associated with material handling processes.

Equipment consultations
Guidance and recommendations for equipment designed to safely store and handle polyurethane raw materials, including storage tank and transfer line cleaning and maintenance.

Emergency response consultation
A service that provides 24-hour emergency response assistance concerning Covestro products involved in incidents during transportation, storage or use.

This document describes the process by which Covestro receives and communicates incidents from CHEMTREC involving Covestro products while in transportation and/or at a customer location.

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We have received your request and one of our experts will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to discover our innovative material solutions!

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Your Covestro Team

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Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us.
We have received your request and one of our experts will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to discover our innovative material solutions!

Speak to you soon,
Your Covestro Team
