
Health, safety and environmental services in the USA

This site provides product stewardship information for Covestro LLC products in the USA. This information should be of particular interest to Covestro customers and distributors, but members of the general public and industry are welcome to view the resources as well.

Key features of the USA site are listed below:

Distribution Safety: The Distribution Safety section describes our distribution safety support services for U.S. based customers and distributors.

Product Safety: The Product Safety section provides information about our product safety support services for customers and distributors in the USA.

Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA): The LCA section provides information and examples of our LCA support and information for applications and customers in the USA.

Emissions Estimation: The Emissions Estimation section provides information and links to resources for emissions calculation methods, emission factors and engineering calculations.

Waste Reduction: The Waste Reduction section provides information and practical guidelines on end-of-life options (e.g. reuse/recycling) for products made with our materials, waste reduction guidance and related resources.

Responsible Care®: The Responsible Care® section provides information about the Responsible Care® Product Safety Code®, and it outlines Covestro's implementation of the American Chemistry Council's Responsible Care® program.

Support Contacts: If you are a Covestro LLC customer or distributor in the USA, our experts will gladly provide assistance regarding questions about the safe use, handling, distribution safety and environmental aspects of our products.

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{"FieldName":"productName","Endpoint":"","Language":"en","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"No results for","MaxItem":10}

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Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us.
We have received your request and one of our experts will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to discover our innovative material solutions!

Speak to you soon,
Your Covestro Team

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{"FieldName":"productName","Endpoint":"","Language":"en","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"No results for","MaxItem":10}

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Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us.
We have received your request and one of our experts will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to discover our innovative material solutions!

Speak to you soon,
Your Covestro Team
