
Waste Reduction

This section provides information on waste reduction programs, resource links, and waste reduction/recycling methods for selected manufacturing processes where Covestro LLC raw materials are used. Tools for helping choose appropriate recycling services are included. The guidance in this section is not all inclusive, and it is mainly relevant to manufacturing operations in the USA.

Reducing waste from manufacturing operations can help the environment and your business by:

  • Saving landfill space and improving environmental Quality
  • Reducing operating and waste disposal costs
  • Generating revenue from recycling and reusing materials
  • Demonstrating a positive image to your neighbors and customers

It is critical that applicable environmental and other laws/regulations are followed in implementing waste reduction activities. For example, operations in the USA that accumulate certain quantities of hazardous waste are required to periodically report to EPA on their waste reduction measures, and there are federal/state regulations that govern certain types of materials destined for recycling.

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We have received your request and one of our experts will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to discover our innovative material solutions!

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Your Covestro Team
