
How to live sustainably without sacrificing your comfort

How can we make living more sustainable together without compromising on comfort and lifestyle? The answer lies in innovative products and solutions that are energy efficient, harness digital technology, and reuse existing materials to help reduce carbon emissions.
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40 percent of global energy consumption and over a third of greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to buildings. This shows that we all must take part in sustainable living. 

We need solutions that improve the products we all use – offering more comfort, style, and functionality. Our wide range of new materials and solutions has the potential to benefit our customers’ everyday lives without sacrificing more sustainable solutions along the way.

Sustainable living affects us all. When you think about the country, city or house you live in, it suddenly becomes very tangible. Furniture, carpet, bathrooms, walls… our whole way of living can be part of a circular solution, which is exciting!

Covestro @ K Fair 2022

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Your Covestro Team

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In the meantime, feel free to discover our innovative material solutions!

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Your Covestro Team

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