
Novel security features for next-generation passport and ID card authentication

With rising expectations for secure and durable citizen documents around the world, the identification market is increasingly demanding Level 1 security features in polycarbonate (PC) documents that enable fast and easy seamless traveler authentication while being difficult to replicate.

ID card and passport data pages made of polycarbonate films meet high government expectations for secure identification documents across the world. Optimal durability and security are the key reasons for passport data pages made of 100% polycarbonate.

Makrofol® ID polycarbonate films enable the integration of various security features while pushing boundaries in document design and production efficiency.

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Superlaser: Doing more with less – Optimize ID document security and image quality after personalization 

Makrofol® ID superlaser polycarbonate film with its improved properties is well suited for the production of secure ID cards and passport data pages which are highly tamper-resistant and must meet very high security requirements.

Key benefits:
  • Enable very high resolution and contrast for laser engraving personalization
  • Differentiated three-layer structure creating a forensic data set after laser personalization
  • Excellent performance for clear window applications with high image contrast resolution
  • Provides equivalent contrast to six times of standard polycarbonate laser receptive films
  • Enable time saving during the production process by up to 20 percent

Sophisticated clear window design - enabled with thin white high opaque polycarbonate films 

The identification document market is continuously influenced by evolving trends, technologies and security features. One trend is the integration of clear window technology into card and passport data page constructions as an added security feature. Covestro offers two polycarbonate film solutions for clear windows applications – Makrofol® ID thin white high opaque and Makrofol® ID thick transparent PC films.

Key benefits:
  • Easier construction of transparent windows in security documents
  • More space for the integration of additional security features within the polycarbonate card and passport data page constructions
  • Reduced cycle time: faster lamination process due to thinner polycarbonate film layers

White polycarbonate

Makrofol® ID standard white, thin high opaque white and Superlaser white polycarbonate films with enhanced properties are well suited for the production of highly forgery-resistant identification documents.

Passport TPU hinge: high flexibility and tear propagation resistance 

Multi-layer Platilon® ID thermoplastic polyurethane film (TPU) from Covestro applied in a passport hinge can make your next generation e-passport more secure and durable. TPU excellently bonds with polycarbonate films which results in a very long-lasting security document.

Key benefits:
  • The softening temperature is higher than the softening temperature of Makrofol® ID. Attempts to delaminate Makrofol® ID from Platilon® ID will damage the security elements within the passport data page and leave tamper evidence
  • Highly flexible material
  • Increased tear propagation resistance
  • Easy to process, convert and laminate

Polycarbonate film embedding O.V.M technology to secure transparent areas of ID documents. An innovative multi-level security

Incorporating Makrofol® ID O.V.M (Optical Variable Material) polycarbonate film into an ID document can strongly secure transparent areas of the document. The windows will shift color depending on the background or when brightened by a smartphone flashlight or UV light. This innovative and robust technology from Crime Science Technology (C.S.T) will allow level 1,2 and 3 security features with a single film.

Key benefits:
  • Obvious color shifting - easy to see, verify and remember (level 1 security)
  • Intense UV fluorescent properties (level 2 security)
  • Integrated possibility of level 1, 2 and 3 security features
  • Innovative and extremely difficult to counterfeit
  • No modification of existing production processes

Innovative passport cover concept

With the continued increase in international travelers, today’s citizen passports need to withstand the rigors of frequent journeys and the validity period of the identification document. With the latest passport booklet cover solution from Covestro, passport manufacturers can enhance durability while having scratch and tear resistant characteristics.

The innovative passport cover can also integrate multiple security features with various surface textures, colors and complex printed graphic options. Additionally, it can help to better protect and cushion the embedded chip and antenna within the eCover.

The art of creating secure identification documents is a continued balancing act of sorts. Today’s government issued ID documents need to strike a balance between being secure, high quality, easy and quick to verify while being very difficult to replicate. Covestro continues to push boundaries in enabling highly secure citizen identification documents with its specialty films innovations.

Daniel Hentschel

Global Segment Manager, Identification, Specialty Films, Covestro

Key Benefits

  • Highly durable: Polycarbonate film layers are inseparably bonded without adhesives during lamination creating a mono-lock which makes it highly secure and tamper resistant.
  • Customizable: Tailored security solutions according to specific ID document requirements.
  • Forgery-resistant with tamper evidence: High image contrast. Increased laser reactivity enabling forensic data set after personalization with Superlaser polycarbonate film.
  • Easy to process: Compatible with standard processes for printing. Easy to laminate and suitable for a broad range of operating temperatures.
  • Versatile: Optimal flexibility with high tear propagation resistance as passport hinge integrated with the polycarbonate data page.

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