  • Thermoplastic Polyurethanes

Desmopan 481

injection molding grade; free from plasticizers; grease and oil-resistant; low compression set; high elasticity; good heat resistance; Application; roller coating; Seals, membranes; Automotive engineering

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Product Types

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Thermoplastic Polyurethanes
Chemical resistant, Scratch resistant, Wear resistant, Tear resistant, Soft touch, Cold-flexibility, Abrasion resistant

General Characterization

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Technical Properties & Datasheets

Property Name Standard Test condition Unit Value
Drying Temperature - °C 80 - 110
注塑-模具溫度 - °C 20 - 40
注塑-熔體溫度 - °C 200 - 230
Property Name Standard Test condition Unit Value
拉伸儲能模量 ISO 6721-1,-4 -20 °C MPa 106
拉伸儲能模量 ISO 6721-1,-4 20 °C MPa 33
拉伸儲能模量 ISO 6721-1,-4 60 °C MPa 29
Property Name Standard Test condition Unit Value
10% 應變時的應力 DIN 53504 200 mm/min MPa 1,3
100% 應變時的應力 DIN 53504 200 mm/min MPa 5,2
300% 應變時的應力 DIN 53504 200 mm/min MPa 10,2
50% 應變時的應力 DIN 53504 200 mm/min MPa 3,8
回彈力 ISO 4662 % 48
壓縮率 DIN ISO 815-1, Method A 24 h; 70 °C % 25
壓縮率 DIN ISO 815-1 72 h; 23 °C % 22
壓縮率 DIN ISO 815-1, Method C 24 h; 70 °C % 17
撕裂强度 ISO 34-1 500 mm/min kN/m 45
斷裂應變 DIN 53504 200 mm/min % 528
最終拉伸强度 DIN 53504 200 mm/min MPa 36.8
耐磨性 ISO 4649 method A mm³ 25
邵氏硬度 A DIN ISO 7619-1 1s 81
邵氏硬度 D DIN ISO 7619-1 1s 30
Property Name Standard Test condition Unit Value
密度 ISO 1183-1 kg/m³ 1200


Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
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