
Anti-Reflective Coatings

No matter what type of solar glass you need Anti-Reflective Coatings (ARC) for, we have got you covered.
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Crystal-clear light transmission for up to 3% power boost

Our innovative family of Anti-Reflective Coatings (ARC) for photovoltaic (PV) solar glass deliver a consistent 3% performance boost in solar panels compared with standard, non-coated solar glass. We help you increase the power output of your modules and lower the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) through a family of coating grades – from standard ARC to Neutral ARC (for all black panels) to a coating featuring extreme high transmission for high power modules.

Increase the power output of solar modules today

Our AR Coating uses innovative technology to reduce the amount of sunlight reflected off solar panels – capturing more of the sun’s energy and delivering higher output gains of 3% in flash tests when compared with non-coated modules.
It is easy-to-use and apply; it works with different types of glass and coating processes; it is very simple to clean (thanks to its closed surface); and it is mechanically robust during module production and assembly. Today, more than 300 million solar modules (100GW) worldwide are coated with this technology.

AR Coatings for high-power modules 

If you are looking to squeeze more performance out of high-power PV modules, our AR Coating T7 for Extreme Transmission (XT) delivers the best performance – with a potential to boost power output by an extra 10% compared to our regular Anti-Reflective coating. Not only is it the highest transmission coating available today, it can be easily incorporated into existing lines at the glass manufacturer.

Neutral AR Coating for sheer black solar panels 

For an ideal blend of power and beauty, look no further than our Neutral AR Coating. Ideal for high-aesthetic applications such as residential rooftops, it gives your modules a power boost of up to 3% while ensuring a more natural, sheer-black appearance with no unwanted blueish color.

Proven solar power boosting technology 

The bright science behind our AR Coatings is based on our proprietary core shell technology platform. 
We have subjected this technology to a range of tests including accelerated weathering tests conducted in accordance with IEC 61215; as well as accelerated Damp Heat tests, Humidity Freeze tests, and Thermal Cycling tests. 
We also operate full, working outdoor test sites in China, India, and The Netherlands – as well as extensive indoor lab testing sites in China and Europe. From here, the data we collect and process is validated through our ongoing partnerships with renowned, independent technical institutes like TÜV, Fraunhofer ISE, and China’s National Photovoltaic Center (CPVT).


Covestro Anti-Reflective Coating for solar glass factsheet
Covestro Anti-Reflective Coating XT factsheet
Covestro Neutral Anti-Reflective Coating factsheet

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