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Decovery® is a new high-performance paint ingredient that contains up to 52% plant-based content, which replaces part of the oil content in water-based paints.  

You find Decovery® inside some of the world's best-performing paints. It is made with renewable resources from plants and manufactured with renewable energy. This makes it kinder to the environment than conventional paints. 
Switching to more plant-based ingredients like Decovery® could decrease our dependence on fossil fuels and help combat climate change. 

Ensure the sustainable paints you stock are what they claim to be

Consumer and painter demand for sustainable paints is growing rapidly and showing no signs of stopping. But not all sustainable paints are the same. Many still contain a high proportion of fossil-derived oil – even water-based paints. 

So when you are reviewing or tendering with manufacturers, be sure to specify that their bio-based content complies with C14 standards. Check how their resin suppliers are selected and audited and ask about the paint resin’s environmental impact from cradle to grave. 

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