Scrollable teaser


Scrollable teaser title

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    科思创 CMF 色板

    将汽车行业趋势转化为美学色板 CMF 设计

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  • 案例研究

    定制化的打印电子产品 | 科思创

    采用打印电子和智能表面技术的 Colibri“蜂鸟” 展示器件能够为您提供设计灵活性。

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  • 案例研究

    TPU 纱线解决方案

    Desmopan® 和 Coatyarn 将资源循环利用的专有技术结合在一起,以更可持续的方式生产具有时尚性、功能性的纺织品。

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    We will be fully circular

    How to shift toward a circular economy in the coatings and adhesives industry. 

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    Solutions for printing and packaging delivering on sustainability

    With the acquisition of DSM’s Resins and Functional Materials business, we’re complementing our portfolio for adhesives, preparation coatings, inks, and top-coat resins with relevant chemistries for all packaging substrates.

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    How barrier coating resins help to create a better environment

    Barrier resins offer a recyclable alternative to LDPE coatings. Our multifunctional resins are easy to formulate and resistant to water (WVTR & COBB*), grease, oil, and moisture. 

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    Enabling circularity: Monomaterials in flexible packaging

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    Pasquick® technology: Performance benefits and proof points

    Discover how Pasquick® technology helps reduce downtime in corrosion-protection and flooring jobs, thanks to faster curing characteristics – all combined with great long-term performance and low to near-zero VOC.

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    Digital coatings: How to apply PU raw materials digitally

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    Hardeners for high-performance refinish coatings

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Case Studies

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    为更可持续聚碳酸酯而设计的 CMF 美学设计方案


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  • 案例分析

    将循环性融入美学设计的循环 CMF 指南

    探索循环 CMF 设计解决方案,获得有关再生和可回收塑料的色彩、材料和表面设计的实用见解和最佳实践。

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    探索可持续材料如何推动循环经济向前发展。下载由科思创和 GC Insights 共同编写的白皮书,了解创新解决方案。

  • 案例分析


    我们的模克福® SR906 薄膜帮助 Serigraph 制造出具有玻璃般背光表面的坚固、轻质电动汽车充电器部件。

  • 案例分析

    2025+ CMF 设计趋势

    探索面向工业设计师和 CMF 专家的创新型聚碳酸酯解决方案和美学色板。


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    拜多® - 多功能聚氨酯 (PUR) 整体泡沫

    拜多® 是一种具有卓越机械性能的多功能聚氨酯整体泡沫。探索其多样性!

  • 故事

    用于软垫产品的 Desmopan® AIR TPU

    了解创新公司如何将 Desmopan® AIR 用于可回收的高品质软垫产品(例如床垫)。

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    模克隆® RP:回收原材料份额高达 72% 

    基于质量平衡法,含消费后化学回收原材料份额的聚碳酸酯。立即了解我们采用模克隆 ® RP 实现完全循环的高纯度解决方案!

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    Imagio® 数字打样

    访问我们的材料库 随时随地......使用 Imagio® 并创建数字 原型,让您的 设计栩栩如生!立即了解更多信息!


There are a lot of configuration options for this teaser.

If you don't need the clusters, don't fill in the cluster title. Just add rows for the articles and videos needed.

If you have different clusters, add now clusters in the template. Add rows for the articles and videos needed per cluster.

Important notes

  • For this component there are 2 different views:
  1. Teaser with title and description (only one tab of teasers)
  2. Teaser with title and different tabs/clusters (no description). It's advised to have max 5 different tabs.
  • Number of characters
  1. Title component: max 30 characters
  2. Description: max 130 characters
  3. Cluster title: max 30 characters
  • How teaser are added
  1. Automatically via tagging
  2. Manually to link articles in the solution center. In this case the content on the teaser is automatically created using the content from the article itself. This is the teaser data of the article or the stage image, headline and description.
  3. Manually to pages out of the solution center. In this case you also provide an image (480 x 240 px), title (60 characters), description (160 characters), label (30 characters) and url.
  • Video
  1. Added manually
  2. Needed info: Moving image id, title (60 characters), teaser description (300 characters)
  • Teaser per tab: default 6, but can be adjusted. We advise to have max 10 teaser blocks.
  • Sorting
  1. With automated tagging: publication date
  2. Manually added teasers: manual sorting
  • Gate options
  1. Complete component can be gated
  2. Gate only for specific page. In this case the article is gated for all other components
  • Possible to open in all articles new tab
  • Digital event space: on teaser level you can configure to open article within the layout of that specific DES. 