

Please enter a Material Number or a Product Name, then select a Language (required) and a Legislative Area (required) to define your Safety Data Sheet (SDS) search.

In the European Union (EU) and in the European Economic Area (EEA), Covestro issues a separate Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each uncolored polycarbonate. This SDS also covers all colored polycarbonates if the colorants do not have an effect on the hazard profile or regulatory requirements. In addition, Covestro issues a specific SDS for every colored polycarbonate if necessary; such SDS contain a 6-digit color suffix in the product name.

Can't find the SDS you're looking for? Please click on the regional link below to request the SDS:

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{"FieldName":"productName","Endpoint":"","Language":"th","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"No results for","MaxItem":10}

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{"FieldName":"productName","Endpoint":"","Language":"th","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"No results for","MaxItem":10}

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Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us.
We have received your request and one of our experts will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to discover our innovative material solutions!

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Your Covestro Team
