Expansion Panel
- Accordion module can be used in 2 different widths. This is the version with same width as a rich text field. There is also a wider version. As you see underneath.
- There are 4 different colors: blue, black, grey and white
- By default, the panes are collapsed when you open a page. You can also choose the have the pane expanded.
- Within the panes you can use all different components, e.g. this rich text component. The examples contain different variants.
This is a Benefit List
- Maximum characters Expansion panel Headline: 60
- Maximum characters Expansion panel subtitle: 30 You can also insert BenefitListElementText
- There is also the possibility to add an image in the pane. The image is cropped to a circle.
- This is a BenefitListElementTitle This is a BenefitListElementText
This is a testing phrase.
- Accordion module can be used in 2 different widths. This is the version with same width as a rich text field. There is also a wider version. As you see underneath.
- There are 4 different colors: blue, black, grey and white
- By default, the panes are collapsed when you open a page. You can also choose the have the pane expanded.
- Within the panes you can use all different components, e.g. this rich text component. The examples contain different variants.
Important notes
- Number of characters
- Title: max 60 characters
- Subtitle: max 30 characters. This is a single line text field, so no links and other layout changes possible.
- Image: always squared with maximum size 400 x 400 (optional)
- Colors: blue, black, grey
- Width: accordion module can be used in 2 different widths.
- Default: small width (as for rich text)
- As you can use all kinds of components, we use the wider version if that component is needed in the expansion pane.