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- Thermoplastische Polyurethane
- Chemikalienbeständig, Lebensmittelkonform, Kratzfest, Verschleißfest, reißfeste, Kälteflexibilität, abriebfest
Allgemeine Charakterisierung
Texin 245D resin is an aromatic polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethane with a Shore hardness of approximately 43D*. It can be processed by injection molding; extrusion processes are not recommended.
Texin thermoplastic polyurethane resins are hygroscopic and will absorb ambient moisture. The presence of moisture can adversely affect processing characteristics and the quality of parts. Therefore, the resins should remain in their sealed containers and be stored under cool and dry conditions until used. Storage temperature should not exceed 86°F (30°C). Unused resin from opened containers, or reground material that is not to be used immediately, should be stored in sealed containers.
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- Druckwalzen und Rakel
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- Profile und Riemen
- Thermoplastische Polyurethane
- Chemikalienbeständig
- Lebensmittelkonform
- Kratzfest
- Verschleißfest
- reißfeste
- Kälteflexibilität
- abriebfest