
Covestro & BASF: Pioneering improved sustainability together

As part of a long-running partnership, Covestro uses BASF's bio-based 2-Octyl Acrylate in its CQ portfolio of partly bio-based products. In this interview, Prof. Dr. Christoph Fleckenstein, BASF’s Senior Principal Expert Global Acrylics-/ Methacrylics Value Chain, shares how this collaboration can drive adoption of more sustainable solutions.
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Interview with Christoph Fleckenstein, Senior Principal Expert Global Acrylics-/ Methacrylics Value Chain, BASF
November 29, 2024

How Covestro and BASF’s partnership is driving more sustainable innovation

1. What role does partnership play when it comes to driving forward sustainability and circularity?

At BASF, our ambition is to be the preferred chemical company to enable our customers’ green transformation. We typically offer our solutions to customers at an early stage in the value chain, giving them the opportunity to develop their products accordingly. We can provide the foundation to products with improved sustainability to meet, for example, stricter legislation or end consumer expectations. But no one can do it alone – we all need strong partnerships because improving circularity requires collaboration across the entire value chain.

That’s why we believe that the best way to achieve ambitious sustainability goals is to partner with like-minded companies. Supplying Covestro with our bio-based 2-Octyl Acrylate is one of the ways to demonstrate the possibilities of using bio-based monomers at industrial scale. Via Covestro’s CQ portfolio, we can now support even more customers on their sustainability journeys.

Our partnership with Covestro allows us to drive sustainability improvements further. We’re able to provide Covestro with an important ingredient for their broad partly bio-based CQ portfolio – while also demonstrating that bio-based solutions and high performance go hand-in-hand.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Fleckenstein

Senior Principal Expert Global Acrylics-/ Methacrylics Value Chain, BASF

2. What are the key ingredients of successful product solutions that are more circular and sustainable?

For us at BASF, success means being able to offer a broad product portfolio with different sustainability attributes that address customers’ demands. Within a broad range of sustainable solutions, transparency is always crucial for our customers. They need to understand exactly what makes up our products, the impact they have and to what extent they meet internationally agreed industry-wide standards.

In our acrylics portfolio, we want to demonstrate this transparency with our bio-based 2-Octyl Acrylate by meeting three important conditions: 

Firstly, 14C-traceable carbon content, so customers can measure the amount of bio-based content with confidence. Secondly, feedstocks that aren’t replacing food or feed crops. And thirdly, a proven reduction in product carbon footprint. With 73% TÜV-certified 14C-traceable bio-based content, a lower carbon footprint than fossil-based alternative acrylates, and a non-edible feedstock based on castor oil, our high purity 2-Octyl Acrylate meets these important requirements.

Another key ingredient for market success is supply reliability, to help spread circular solutions at a broader scale. By using 2-Octyl Acrylate in its broad CQ portfolio, Covestro is helping to do just that. And of course, the product still needs to maintain the high performance that customers expect. Customer feedback on 2-Octyl Acrylate shows that its performance matches or exceeds that of fossil-based alternatives, with improved scrub resistance in coatings, higher shear resistance in adhesives, and excellent weatherability. This high performance is essential to ensuring not only widespread uptake but also trust that more sustainable products do not compromise on quality.

3. How can BASF and Covestro help each other pioneer increased sustainability in the chemical industry?

The challenge of improving sustainability and circularity is the interdependence of supply and demand. It's no good if a manufacturer wants to use a bio-based acrylic but has no supplier, or if a supplier has a bio-based product but no customer!

That’s why we believe partnerships like the one between BASF and Covestro are essential to drive the sustainability transformation. By using 2-Octyl Acrylate in its CQ portfolio of products, Covestro can offer increased circularity, plus excellent performance and traceability, to its customers.

At the same time, Covestro also acts as a first mover, demonstrating the potential of this ingredient in a wide range of applications at scale. Ultimately, we hope this will help to increase uptake of more sustainable solutions across the chemicals and coatings market.

  • No-one can do it alone

    No-one can do it alone

    Improving circularity requires collaboration across the entire value chain.

  • Balancing sustainability and performance

    Balancing sustainability and performance

    To be successful in the market, more circular solutions need to maintain the high performance customers expect.

  • Supply and demand

    Supply and demand

    Widespread adoption of more sustainable solutions requires both supply and demand: manufacturers need both suppliers and customers to make their more sustainable solutions viable.

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Muster anfordern
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1-829", "+1-849": "Dominikanische Republik - 1-849", "+593": "Ecuador - 593", "+20": "Ägypten - 20", "+503": "El Salvador - 503", "+372": "Estland - 372", "+251": "Äthiopien - 251", "+358": "Finnland - 358", "+33": "Frankreich - 33", "+241": "Gabun - 241", "+220": "Gambia - 220", "+49": "Deutschland - 49", "+233": "Ghana - 233", "+30": "Griechenland - 30", "+502": "Guatemala - 502", "+224": "Guinea - 224", "+245": "Guinea-Bissau - 245", "+504": "Honduras - 504", "+852": "Hongkong - 852", "+36": "Ungarn - 36", "+354": "Island - 354", "+91": "Indien - 91", "+62": "Indonesien - 62", "+98": "Iran - 98", "+964": "Irak - 964", "+353": "Irland - 353", "+972": "Israel - 972", "+39": "Italien - 39", "+1-876": "Jamaika - 1-876", "+81": "Japan - 81", "+962": "Jordanien - 962", "+7": "Kasachstan - 7", "+254": "Kenia - 254", "+82": "Korea - 82", "+965": "Kuwait - 965", "+996": "Kirgisistan - 996", "+371": "Lettland - 371", "+961": "Libanon - 961", "+231": "Liberia - 231", "+423": "Liechtenstein - 423", "+370": "Litauen - 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65", "+421": "Slowakei - 421", "+386": "Slowenien - 386", "+27": "Südafrika - 27", "+34": "Spanien - 34", "+94": "Sri Lanka - 94", "+249": "Sudan - 249", "+597": "Suriname - 597", "+268": "Swasiland - 268", "+46": "Schweden - 46", "+41": "Schweiz - 41", "+886": "Taiwan - 886", "+255": "Tansania - 255", "+66": "Thailand - 66", "+228": "Togo - 228", "+216": "Tunesien - 216", "+90": "Türkei - 90", "+256": "Uganda - 256", "+380": "Ukraine - 380", "+971": "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - 971", "+44": "Vereinigtes Königreich - 44", "+1": "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - 1", "+598": "Uruguay - 598", "+998": "Usbekistan - 998", "+58": "Venezuela - 58", "+84": "Vietnam - 84", "+967": "Jemen - 967", "+260": "Sambia - 260", "+263": "Simbabwe - 263" } }, "mktoindustry": { "label": "Branche", "options": { "": "Selektieren...", "Automotive": "Automobilindustrie", "Aviation": "Luftfahrt", "Bikes and motorcycles": "Fahrräder und Motorräder", "Busses and trucks": "Busse und LKW", "Construction": "Bauwesen", "Cosmetics": "Kosmetik", "Electronics": "Elektronik", "electrical and appliances": "Elektronik, Elektrik und Haushaltsgeräte", "Energy": "Energie", "Healthcare": "Gesundheitswesen", "Industrial and agricultural applications": "Industrielle & landwirtschaftliche Anwendungen", "Marine and ships": "Schifffahrt und Schiffbau", "Packaging and print": "Verpackung und Druck", "Rail": "Eisenbahn", "Reefer containers": "Seecontainer", "Security and protection": "Schutz und Sicherheit", "Sports and leisure": "Sport und Freizeit", "Wood and furniture": "Holz und Möbel", "Others": "Andere" } }, "FirstName": { "label": "Vorname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "LastName": { "label": "Nachname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "Email": { "label": "Email", "validation": "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige E-Mail Adresse ein." }, "Company": { "label": "Firma" }, "Phone": { "label": "Telefonnummer", "validation": "Geben Sie bitte nur Zahlen ein.", "placeholder":"Kein Länderkürzel erforderlich, Länderkürzel wird aus dem gewählten Land in der Form abgeleitet" }, "privacyPolicyAcceptance": { "checkbox": "Ich stimme der <a href='' target='_blank' id='lnkPrivacy'>Datenschutzerklärung</a> zu.", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "mktooptinchkbxacceptance": { "checkbox": "Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass die Covestro Deutschland AG und ihre <a href='' target='_blank' >Tochtergesellschaften</a> mich per E-Mail, Telefon, Social Media Kanäle wie LinkedIn, LinkedIn Matched Audience, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram oder WeChat über Produkte von Covestro zu Werbezwecken informieren. Eine Produktübersicht finden Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>hier</a>. Zu den übermittelten Informationen können beispielsweise produktbezogene Webinare und andere produktbezogene Veranstaltungen, White Papers, Broschüren, aber auch Umfragen wie Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen und Zusendung von Neuigkeiten über Covestro zählen. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen kann, indem ich entweder meinen <a href='' target='_blank'>Widerruf</a> platziere oder den in jeder werblichen Information, enthaltenen Abmeldelink anklicke. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung finden Sie in der <a href='' target='_blank' >Datenschutzerklärung</a>.", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "productName": { "label": "Produktname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "mktoQuantity": { "label": "Muster/kg" }, "formMessage": { "label": "Kommentar" }, "mktoPrice": { "label": "Preis/kg" }, "mktoCurrency": { "label": "Währung", "options":{"": "Auswahl..." } }, "Title": { "label": "Stellenbezeichnung" }, "mktoPreferedEarliestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest frühestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoPreferedLatestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest spätestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoButton": { "submit": "Jetzt registrieren" } }
{"FieldName":"productName","Endpoint":"","Language":"de","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"Keine Ergebnisse für","MaxItem":10}

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Angebot anfragen
{ "function": { "label": "Funktion (Stelle)", "options": { "": "Selektieren...", "Executive Board": "Vorstand", "Head of Purchasing": "Leiter Einkauf", "Head of Sales": "Leiter Verkauf", "Head of Personnel": "Personalchef", "Assistant": "Assistent", "Fin.accountg manager": "Leiter FIBU", "Marketing Manager": "Marketingchef", "Department Head": "Abteilungsleiter", "Employee of Departm.": "Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung", "Head": "Leiter", "Manager": "Manager", "Employee": "Mitarbeiter", "Buyer": "Einkäufer", "Engineer": "Ingenieur", "Chief Ex. Of. (CEO)": "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "chief Op. Of. (COO)": "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "Chief Fin. Of. (CFO)": "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "Chief Tec. Of. 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Eine Produktübersicht finden Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>hier</a>. Zu den übermittelten Informationen können beispielsweise produktbezogene Webinare und andere produktbezogene Veranstaltungen, White Papers, Broschüren, aber auch Umfragen wie Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen und Zusendung von Neuigkeiten über Covestro zählen. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen kann, indem ich entweder meinen <a href='' target='_blank'>Widerruf</a> platziere oder den in jeder werblichen Information, enthaltenen Abmeldelink anklicke. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung finden Sie in der <a href='' target='_blank' >Datenschutzerklärung</a>.", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "productName": { "label": "Produktname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "mktoQuantity": { "label": "Muster/kg" }, "formMessage": { "label": "Kommentar" }, "mktoPrice": { "label": "Preis/kg" }, "mktoCurrency": { "label": "Währung", "options":{"": "Auswahl..." } }, "Title": { "label": "Stellenbezeichnung" }, "mktoPreferedEarliestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest frühestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoPreferedLatestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest spätestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoButton": { "submit": "Jetzt registrieren" } }
{"FieldName":"productName","Endpoint":"","Language":"de","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"Keine Ergebnisse für","MaxItem":10}

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Ihr Covestro Team

{ "function": { "label": "Funktion (Stelle)", "options": { "": "Selektieren...", "Executive Board": "Vorstand", "Head of Purchasing": "Leiter Einkauf", "Head of Sales": "Leiter Verkauf", "Head of Personnel": "Personalchef", "Assistant": "Assistent", "Fin.accountg manager": "Leiter FIBU", "Marketing Manager": "Marketingchef", "Department Head": "Abteilungsleiter", "Employee of Departm.": "Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung", "Head": "Leiter", "Manager": "Manager", "Employee": "Mitarbeiter", "Buyer": "Einkäufer", "Engineer": "Ingenieur", "Chief Ex. Of. (CEO)": "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "chief Op. Of. (COO)": "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "Chief Fin. Of. (CFO)": "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "Chief Tec. Of. 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Eine Produktübersicht finden Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>hier</a>. Zu den übermittelten Informationen können beispielsweise produktbezogene Webinare und andere produktbezogene Veranstaltungen, White Papers, Broschüren, aber auch Umfragen wie Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen und Zusendung von Neuigkeiten über Covestro zählen. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen kann, indem ich entweder meinen <a href='' target='_blank'>Widerruf</a> platziere oder den in jeder werblichen Information, enthaltenen Abmeldelink anklicke. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung finden Sie in der <a href='' target='_blank' >Datenschutzerklärung</a>.", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "productName": { "label": "Produktname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "mktoQuantity": { "label": "Muster/kg" }, "formMessage": { "label": "Kommentar" }, "mktoPrice": { "label": "Preis/kg" }, "mktoCurrency": { "label": "Währung", "options":{"": "Auswahl..." } }, "Title": { "label": "Stellenbezeichnung" }, "mktoPreferedEarliestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest frühestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoPreferedLatestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest spätestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoButton": { "submit": "Jetzt registrieren" } }
{"FieldName":"","Endpoint":"","Language":"de","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"Keine Ergebnisse für","MaxItem":10}

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