
From sustainable growth to circular breakthroughs

We nurture strong partnerships across the industry and make sustainability our starting point to help ensure long-term, holistic growth for all. We’re constantly striving to embed circularity in future applications right from the beginning of the production process to help you harness the next circular breakthroughs.

At Covestro, our goal is to embed circular economic principles and to be a pioneer for the coating and adhesives industry. This means we increasingly set ourselves some of the toughest sustainability goals in our industry, not only because we have to, but also because we want to.

Mathias Matner

Head of Sustainability & Advocacy CA

Challenge: going all out for circularity

On a planet of finite resources, the “take-make-waste” principle of the linear economy has to come to an end. This is why we are dedicated to opening new ways into tomorrow’s circular economy through diverse measures and collaborations along the value chain: by using alternative raw materials in our own production, by embracing the use of greener energy, and by developing materials that can be recycled more easily.

Reaching full circularity, however, is especially challenging when it comes to coatings, inks, and adhesives. For decades, high-performance paints and coatings were almost always solventborne, with a carbon base coming exclusively from fossil resources. And once applied, the materials themselves cannot usually be recycled. This makes it even more important to lower their ecological impact as far as possible, and to turn them into enablers for new, highly sustainable technologies.

Status: From more renewable materials to recycling  

Materials that keep up performance and minimize carbon footprints

Breakthrough material innovations have proven that there is a path beyond fossil-based coatings. A first step was the introduction of waterborne paints, using water as a solvent instead of oil. Following this, we were able to replace considerable parts of the fossil carbon content with carbon sourced from biomass, or by replacing them with plant-based materials without making compromises in terms of functionality or aesthetic appeal. 

Today, we’re proud to have developed a portfolio of solutions that support circularity and climate neutrality – illuminating a smarter path forward for our industry. Containing at least 25% non-fossil raw materials, Covestro CQ (“circular intelligence”) solutions contribute to a circular economy. Across the automotive, furniture, and other industries, these products are already supporting our customers in their quest for more sustainable solutions.

Plus, we go one step further by offering mass-balanced-certified solutions for selected products. Mass balancing is a chain-of-custody approach that lets  you attribute alternative raw materials to offer more sustainable solutions, while continuing to work with your existing infrastructure and assets. In this way, it can help you start reducing your carbon footprint without making technical modifications – a key step toward a more sustainable coatings and adhesives industry.

Giving coatings a second life

And our efforts don’t stop at the end of a coating’s lifetime. We’re also aiming to make recycling a cornerstone of a circular future for coatings and adhesives, starting with the printing and packaging industry. That’s why we’re working to develop new technologies and innovations that can promote both mechanical and chemical recycling. Resin barrier coatings for paper are just one example of how we are boosting product recyclability and helping our partners find their place in the circular economy.

Key drivers for the status next of circular economy

  • Replacing fossil resources

    Replacing fossil resources

    The coatings and adhesives industry can’t fully dispense with fossil resources and other conventional raw materials – yet. But the higher the share of alternative raw materials available, the more sustainable products will become in the future.

  • Remembering that less is more

    Remembering that less is more

    The best action for a high-tech material provider is to maximize the efficiency of limited resources in production and final products. Coatings and adhesives are crucial in achieving this goal by simplifying the design of packaging and other items.

  • Teaming up to tackle upcoming trends

    Teaming up to tackle upcoming trends

    Consumers are becoming more conscious regarding the sustainability of the products and services they use. Players throughout the value chain need to listen closely to those needs and ideas, and team up with each other to meet the challenges lying ahead of us.

Next: Ambitious goals to meet

We have set our sights high for the future: net-zero emissions from our own production and purchased energy by 2035; more alternative raw materials and more renewable energies in the long term. Working with our partners, we’re aiming to make our entire portfolio available in climate-neutral versions. Along the way, we will leverage all our R&D capabilities to establish and further develop circularity – helping to close the loop in the coatings and adhesives industry.


  • Webinar

    We will be fully circular

    How to shift toward a circular economy in the coatings and adhesives industry. 

  • Webinar

    Solutions for printing and packaging delivering on sustainability

    With the acquisition of DSM’s Resins and Functional Materials business, we’re complementing our portfolio for adhesives, preparation coatings, inks, and top-coat resins with relevant chemistries for all packaging substrates.

  • Webinar

    How barrier coating resins help to create a better environment

    Barrier resins offer a recyclable alternative to LDPE coatings. Our multifunctional resins are easy to formulate and resistant to water (WVTR & COBB*), grease, oil, and moisture. 

  • Webinar

    Enabling circularity: Monomaterials in flexible packaging

    In line with the growing need for monomaterial solutions that retain functional performance, we offer a portfolio of coating resins paving the way to flexible packaging that gets the job done and can be recycled more easily.

Stories and case studies

  • 故事



  • 案例研究


    借助质量平衡方法,我们与 H.B.Fuller 合作,创造了一款生物属性粘合剂产品。

  • 案例研究

    ICA 集团

    通过 Bayhydur® CQ 实现可持续家具保护

  • 故事



  • 故事


    用于单组分 PE 立袋的 BOPE 耐热涂层(双向拉伸聚乙烯)单层材料薄膜为高速包装和可回收设计铺平了道路。

  • 故事

    Uradil® FP-9300

    Uradil® FP-9300:BOPP 软包装的可回收性、热封性和耐醇性

  • 案例研究


    科思创的 Baymedix® 和 Platilon® 材料让可穿戴医疗传感器更舒适。

  • 故事


    并非所有聚合物都是微塑料 - 化妆品的高性能如何与环保相结合


  • Connections

    Circularity in everyday life

    How coatings realize their full potential in terms of protection, aesthetics, cost-effectiveness, and environmental compatibility for the wooden furniture in our homes.

  • Connections

    Circularity meets packaging

    Develop coatings and adhesives that help establish cleaner alternatives, to enable more circular solutions for a livable future for us and generations to come.

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* 必填字段

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祝好 您的科思创团队

{ "function": { "label": "(工作)职能", "options": { "": "选择中...", "Executive Board": "执行董事会成员", "Head of Purchasing": "采购经理", "Head of Sales": "销售经理", "Head of Personnel": "人事主管", "Assistant": "人事助理", "Fin.accountg manager": "财务会计经理", "Marketing Manager": "营销经理", "Department Head": "部门负责人", "Employee of Departm.": "部门员工", "Head": "负责人", "Manager": "经理", "Employee": "员工", "Buyer": "买方", "Engineer": "工程师", "Chief Ex. Of. (CEO)": "首席执行官(CEO)", "chief Op. Of. (COO)": "首席运营官(COO)", "Chief Fin. Of. (CFO)": "首席财务官(CFO)", "Chief Tec. Of. 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祝好 您的科思创团队

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