Crafting Circular Economy
After more than 100 years of polymers in a linear economy, a holistic plastic transition with new technologies, new designs, new materials and also a whole new thinking is due to be implemented. The reason for this is that we are not living within planetary boundaries; living space and resources are limited. So, it just seems natural to preserve what we have and to try to find solutions that allow us to use "things", materials as well as technologies, more than just once.
Discover some of these technologies and materials in action – and learn more about how circularity and preserving natural resources keep us pushing forward to become fully circular.
Meet the Innovators
Crafting connections is the initial step on our collaborative journey to solve one of the most pressing challenges of our time. We went out and met selected thinkers, creators, makers and doers across the globe – the innovators who help to make Circular Economy real.
From alternative raw materials to a new kind of transparency: our commitment to the Circular Economy
To accelerate the transition from a linear to a circular economy at scale we need to collaborate and craft connections to partners along the value chain: To circulate materials, to develop joint solutions, to address the societal demand for circular solutions. We are also aiming for a more sustainable production and a net zero in greenhouse gases or in short: climate neutrality (Climate neutral comprises emissions from own production and emissions from external energy sources).
In addition to recycling, bio-based feedstocks can further reduce the current dependency on fossil resources and will be an additional pillar towards achieving circularity. Transparency and tracking along the value chain have become prerequisites to proof all our efforts towards circularity and the reduction of our carbon footprint.
Join us on our path to circularity and discover opportunities to close the polymers loop together.
From improved recycling to actually becoming a fully circular company and enabling climate neutrality – discover our products and strategies
At the end of their lives, plastic products all too often are treated as simple waste. But as a resource-conserving raw material plastic becomes far too valuable to be thrown away. With innovative recycling technologies we are able to reuse it and keep it inside the value cycle.
Aligning economy and society with climate neutrality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and driving sizable climate action in the chemical industry – these are the tasks that we face with full commitment. It is part of our mindset to look at plastics not as a problem, but as part of the solution. Our products are materials of our time, and they will help us in making the world a brighter place. But our relation to plastic – its utilization as well as the amount of corresponding plastic waste – has to change. Natural resources are finite, the tolerance towards non-recyclable materials, too.
You will find several materials in our portfolio that, for example, already make our cities more livable. That indeed go easy on resources. We have put our focus on several topics with the goal to achieve a sustainable future – based on new processes and technologies. The path for the upcoming decades and towards a Circular Economy will be a positive, more sustainable one, if we succeed in combining innovation in plastic materials with CO2 footprint reduction and a kind of industrial climate action.