Tagline stage

Case Study Headlines - Tests

The theme color is set to default.

On this Article page you can find all different ways of working with a Case Study Headline, which is mostly used on Case Study pages. We give an overview of the wide array of possibilities to inform and inspire you, that way you can discover the usage variety of this component. You can also see more details and recommendations related to this component lower on this page. 

Tagline 1

Case Study Headline 1 full option with icon - Color set to default

Tagline 2

Case Study Headline 2 - no icon

Tagline 3 can always be longer as well

Case Study Headline 3

Case Study Headline 4 - no Tagline – longest headline possible is set to 100 characters, like this .

Case Study Headline 5 - No Icon - No tagline

  • Maximum text length title: 100 characters -- Recommended: 60 characters
  • Maximum text length tagline: 30 characters -- Recommended: 1 word
  • Icon can be added
  • Color icon changes with stage theme

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