Stage article hero
Example 1: no carousel, no gate
Example 2: carousel enabled, no gate
Example 3: no carousel, gated
Important notes
- No title for this component
- How teaser are added
- Automatically via tagging
- Manually to link articles in the solution center. In this case the content on the teaser is automatically created using the content from the article itself. This is the teaser data of the article or the stage image, headline and description.
- Max number of teasers: 4
- Sorting
- With automated tagging: publication date
- Manually added teasers: manual sorting
- Gate options
- Complete component can be gated
- Gate only for specific page. In this case the article is gated for all other components
- Possible to open in all articles new tab
- Possible to enable the carousel
- Digital event space: on teaser level you can configure to open article within the layout of that specific DES.