Day 1

Future directions
Circular Economy
The shift towards a Circular Economy will lead to a major transformation in the Chemical Industry. In 2020 Covestro has launched its new vision “We will be fully circular”. In this keynote speech we will set the scene, address challenges, and discuss potential solutions for the coatings and adhesives industry on its way towards circularity.
HB Fuller & Covestro
H.B. Fuller and Covestro partnered to deliver an adhesive with reduced climate impact for woodworking, composites, textiles and automotive industries. This involved using renewable raw materials at the beginning of the value chain and processing these with fossil ingredients in the same production units, working with reliable ISCC-Plus-certified suppliers. Learn more in our talk!

Construction & infrastructure
Decorative: House of resins e-summit insights 2 innovations
For paint manufacturers, innovation and product improvement are essential drivers of sustainable growth. Market insights are critical to developing the right solution. That’s why we leverage big data, search behavior, and a wide variety of interviews with painters, consumers, architects, and contractors. In this way, we help you sharpen your strategic innovation and shape new marketing concepts.
New revolution in powder coatings
The combination of high outdoor performance and high flexibility for powder coatings has previously been difficult to achieve, and often presents difficulties handling materials during production. With. our new powder coating system based on Uralac Premium P 8000 and P 9000, plus Uralac Premium P 8000 amorphous resin, we help solve these challenges.
Decovery® resins
Fossil-based oil in paint is damaging our planet through its substantial and unnecessary carbon footprint. Even water-based paints still contain high levels of oil. So it’s time to listen to Nature and do what’s right for our planet and communities. We’re determined to make paints more sustainable and healthier with Decovery® plant-based resins. These resins contain up to 52% plant products.

Reusable wearable smart patches
Together with accensors, we developed a new design for wearable skin patches. Adhesives and foams made from Baymedix® and Platilon® thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) films as well as flexible electronics and printed sensors contributed to making this new design meet trends regarding miniaturization, skin-friendliness of materials and reduced waste with greater patch functionality.
Sustainability in wood coatings
During this panel discussion with industry experts we’re going to explore the impact of sustainability on the furniture coatings industry. We’ll discuss the (technical) key challenges to developing sustainable (for example bio-based) solutions and how we expect the market to develop. The panelists will also be sharing how their company’s approach to sustainability looks like.
Desmomelt® U digital applications
Desmomelt® U is a new class of aliphatic, non-yellowing polyurethane (PU) adhesive raw materials combining the high molecular weight and bond strength of solvent- or waterborne PU adhesives in a 100 % solid form. Supplied as a powder, it can be processed into filament or foil for digital, automated adhesive application as a hotmelt. Learn more about properties, processability and applications.

Seamless mobility
Covestro's DirectCoating solution offers a range of seamless interior trim surfaces for smart functions, using cost-effective polyurethane reaction injection molding (RIM) technology and INSQIN® technology in combination with Dispercoll® U adhesives. This enables future interior needs regarding optical properties, coating adhesion, deep coloring effects and genuine materials.
Dockit®: new refinish clearcoat capsule
With Dockit® you can prepare 2K clearcoats for automotive refinishing in seconds. The novel packaging solution contains clearcoat and hardener in the perfect mix ratio. At the press of a button, the clearcoat is ready for use and can be applied as usual using a spray gun. Time to shine!
More sustainable auto coatings
With LCS Life Cycle Simulation GmbH, we’ll show you how to improve efficiency and reduce the CO2 footprint in automotive manufacturing. With their Life Cycle Assessment tool, assess the impact of potential sustainability measures, and discover Covestro’s economically viable solutions to minimize your environmental footprint throughout the value cycle while helping protect natural resources.

Sustainable packaging portfolio
With the acquisition of DSM’s Resins and Functional Materials business, we’re expanding our portfolio for adhesives, preparation coatings, inks and topcoat resins with relevant chemistries for all packaging substrates. The result? A broader technology and capability base plus solutions for improved recycling! Get our portfolio overview in this insight talk.
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