
From living the difference to new concepts for habitat and home

Merging functionality, design, and sustainability in modern living spaces should be so effortless that you live the difference instinctively – that silent transition is where materials act as hidden champions to make this happen. Our next solutions are taking this linkage even further, transforming current high-performing home solutions into new concepts for house and home.

Innovation comes from everyone and from everywhere. As human beings we all share the same goal: to live in environments that are beautiful, wholesome, and more sustainable.

Esther Grau Zuriaga

Marketing Manager Industrial Wood & Automotive OEM

Challenge: smart choices for the world’s most important place

The home is probably the most important and personal place for every one of us. From the furniture we choose to the little electronic helpers that brighten up our everyday lives, we want our homes to be as cozy, attractive, and functional as possible, whilst avoiding any impact on our health and reducing our impact on the environment.

This is reflected in current consumer trends, such as a demand for surfaces that are durable and look good for longer – triggered not least by the sharing economy – and for natural, honest materials that give us a sense of comfort and belonging in our fast-moving world. At Covestro, we deliver the coatings and adhesives that enable producers and electronic appliance industries to cater to these fundamental needs in the furniture.

Status: provider of the inner values of future-oriented surfaces

While the popularity of wooden furniture has not diminished in recent years – quite on the contrary – consumers and legislators are no longer content with the chemicals traditionally used in wood coatings and lacquers, which are typically not waterborne and can contain higher levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 

Coatings based on our materials help to enhance and preserve the natural beauty of wood – as well as our environment and the health of those who work in the wood-processing industry. Take our patented fast-drying Bayhydur® quix hardener. It yields a high-performance water-based coating using low-VOC technology, generating lower emissions than solventborne solutions. Lower emissions can also be achieved with partially plant-based options like our Decovery® resin, which is also made to look and feel natural. This special material nourishes and protects your furniture whilst reducing environmental impact, providing performance and sustainability features at the same time.

However, increased sustainability shouldn’t just go hand in hand with a great look and feel, but also with efficiency. Powder coatings like Uralac® Ultra offer great potential when it comes to heat-sensitive substrates such as processed wood.

Apart from their contribution to wooden furniture, coating and adhesive technologies can also further the development of more sustainable mattresses and other foamed materials. With InFoam printing, a customized skeleton is injected into the mattress, improving its supporting properties without the need for added parts that are otherwise designed to improve sleeping comfort. And because the result is a monomaterial solution, no mixed materials need to be separated during the recycling process.

But our materials are not just limited to furniture and comfort products. They also act as hidden champions when it comes to making smartphones and other personal electronic devices more affordable and eco-friendlier. Our 2D-printed hot-melt adhesives simplify and speed up the assembly of complex electronics – and allow simple temperature-triggered disassembly once the device has reached the end of its life cycle.

Key drivers for the Status Next of living

  • More sustainability in more applications

    More sustainability in more applications

    Both the furniture and the digital devices industries are seeking to extend the scope of sustainable technologies to areas where they couldn’t be applied previously.

  • Safeguarding high performance

    Safeguarding high performance

    The need to replace harmful substances with more sustainable alternatives is becoming a more central focus for industry players and legislators.

  • Enabling drop-in solutions

    Enabling drop-in solutions

    Taking advantage of the opportunities of improved materials requires the seamless integration of these materials into existing production lines.

Next: honing in on tomorrow’s living environments

We recognize the growing urgency and demand for sustainable solutions, as the industry calls for more product transparency and bio-based processes. That’s why it’s our constant goal to promote more sustainable initiatives that contribute significantly to the health and well-being of people and the earth.

Take the Status Next deep dive

  • Connections

    Circularity in everyday life

    How coatings realize their full potential in terms of protection, aesthetics, cost-effectiveness, and environmental compatibility for the wooden furniture in our homes.

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* Pflichtfelder

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Eine Produktübersicht finden Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>hier</a>. Zu den übermittelten Informationen können beispielsweise produktbezogene Webinare und andere produktbezogene Veranstaltungen, White Papers, Broschüren, aber auch Umfragen wie Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen und Zusendung von Neuigkeiten über Covestro zählen. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen kann, indem ich entweder meinen <a href='' target='_blank'>Widerruf</a> platziere oder den in jeder werblichen Information, enthaltenen Abmeldelink anklicke. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung finden Sie in der <a href='' target='_blank' >Datenschutzerklärung</a>.", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "productName": { "label": "Produktname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "mktoQuantity": { "label": "Muster/kg" }, "formMessage": { "label": "Kommentar" }, "mktoPrice": { "label": "Preis/kg" }, "mktoCurrency": { "label": "Währung", "options":{"": "Auswahl..." } }, "Title": { "label": "Stellenbezeichnung" }, "mktoPreferedEarliestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest frühestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoPreferedLatestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest spätestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoButton": { "submit": "Jetzt registrieren" } }
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Muster anfordern
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1-829", "+1-849": "Dominikanische Republik - 1-849", "+593": "Ecuador - 593", "+20": "Ägypten - 20", "+503": "El Salvador - 503", "+372": "Estland - 372", "+251": "Äthiopien - 251", "+358": "Finnland - 358", "+33": "Frankreich - 33", "+241": "Gabun - 241", "+220": "Gambia - 220", "+49": "Deutschland - 49", "+233": "Ghana - 233", "+30": "Griechenland - 30", "+502": "Guatemala - 502", "+224": "Guinea - 224", "+245": "Guinea-Bissau - 245", "+504": "Honduras - 504", "+852": "Hongkong - 852", "+36": "Ungarn - 36", "+354": "Island - 354", "+91": "Indien - 91", "+62": "Indonesien - 62", "+98": "Iran - 98", "+964": "Irak - 964", "+353": "Irland - 353", "+972": "Israel - 972", "+39": "Italien - 39", "+1-876": "Jamaika - 1-876", "+81": "Japan - 81", "+962": "Jordanien - 962", "+7": "Kasachstan - 7", "+254": "Kenia - 254", "+82": "Korea - 82", "+965": "Kuwait - 965", "+996": "Kirgisistan - 996", "+371": "Lettland - 371", "+961": "Libanon - 961", "+231": "Liberia - 231", "+423": "Liechtenstein - 423", "+370": "Litauen - 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65", "+421": "Slowakei - 421", "+386": "Slowenien - 386", "+27": "Südafrika - 27", "+34": "Spanien - 34", "+94": "Sri Lanka - 94", "+249": "Sudan - 249", "+597": "Suriname - 597", "+268": "Swasiland - 268", "+46": "Schweden - 46", "+41": "Schweiz - 41", "+886": "Taiwan - 886", "+255": "Tansania - 255", "+66": "Thailand - 66", "+228": "Togo - 228", "+216": "Tunesien - 216", "+90": "Türkei - 90", "+256": "Uganda - 256", "+380": "Ukraine - 380", "+971": "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - 971", "+44": "Vereinigtes Königreich - 44", "+1": "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - 1", "+598": "Uruguay - 598", "+998": "Usbekistan - 998", "+58": "Venezuela - 58", "+84": "Vietnam - 84", "+967": "Jemen - 967", "+260": "Sambia - 260", "+263": "Simbabwe - 263" } }, "mktoindustry": { "label": "Branche", "options": { "": "Selektieren...", "Automotive": "Automobilindustrie", "Aviation": "Luftfahrt", "Bikes and motorcycles": "Fahrräder und Motorräder", "Busses and trucks": "Busse und LKW", "Construction": "Bauwesen", "Cosmetics": "Kosmetik", "Electronics": "Elektronik", "electrical and appliances": "Elektronik, Elektrik und Haushaltsgeräte", "Energy": "Energie", "Healthcare": "Gesundheitswesen", "Industrial and agricultural applications": "Industrielle & landwirtschaftliche Anwendungen", "Marine and ships": "Schifffahrt und Schiffbau", "Packaging and print": "Verpackung und Druck", "Rail": "Eisenbahn", "Reefer containers": "Seecontainer", "Security and protection": "Schutz und Sicherheit", "Sports and leisure": "Sport und Freizeit", "Wood and furniture": "Holz und Möbel", "Others": "Andere" } }, "FirstName": { "label": "Vorname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "LastName": { "label": "Nachname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "Email": { "label": "Email", "validation": "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige E-Mail Adresse ein." }, "Company": { "label": "Firma" }, "Phone": { "label": "Telefonnummer", "validation": "Geben Sie bitte nur Zahlen ein.", "placeholder":"Kein Länderkürzel erforderlich, Länderkürzel wird aus dem gewählten Land in der Form abgeleitet" }, "privacyPolicyAcceptance": { "checkbox": "Ich stimme der <a href='' target='_blank' id='lnkPrivacy'>Datenschutzerklärung</a> zu.", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "mktooptinchkbxacceptance": { "checkbox": "Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass die Covestro Deutschland AG und ihre <a href='' target='_blank' >Tochtergesellschaften</a> mich per E-Mail, Telefon, Social Media Kanäle wie LinkedIn, LinkedIn Matched Audience, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram oder WeChat über Produkte von Covestro zu Werbezwecken informieren. Eine Produktübersicht finden Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>hier</a>. Zu den übermittelten Informationen können beispielsweise produktbezogene Webinare und andere produktbezogene Veranstaltungen, White Papers, Broschüren, aber auch Umfragen wie Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen und Zusendung von Neuigkeiten über Covestro zählen. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen kann, indem ich entweder meinen <a href='' target='_blank'>Widerruf</a> platziere oder den in jeder werblichen Information, enthaltenen Abmeldelink anklicke. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung finden Sie in der <a href='' target='_blank' >Datenschutzerklärung</a>.", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "productName": { "label": "Produktname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "mktoQuantity": { "label": "Muster/kg" }, "formMessage": { "label": "Kommentar" }, "mktoPrice": { "label": "Preis/kg" }, "mktoCurrency": { "label": "Währung", "options":{"": "Auswahl..." } }, "Title": { "label": "Stellenbezeichnung" }, "mktoPreferedEarliestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest frühestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoPreferedLatestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest spätestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoButton": { "submit": "Jetzt registrieren" } }
{"FieldName":"productName","Endpoint":"","Language":"de","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"Keine Ergebnisse für","MaxItem":10}

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{ "function": { "label": "Funktion (Stelle)", "options": { "": "Selektieren...", "Executive Board": "Vorstand", "Head of Purchasing": "Leiter Einkauf", "Head of Sales": "Leiter Verkauf", "Head of Personnel": "Personalchef", "Assistant": "Assistent", "Fin.accountg manager": "Leiter FIBU", "Marketing Manager": "Marketingchef", "Department Head": "Abteilungsleiter", "Employee of Departm.": "Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung", "Head": "Leiter", "Manager": "Manager", "Employee": "Mitarbeiter", "Buyer": "Einkäufer", "Engineer": "Ingenieur", "Chief Ex. Of. (CEO)": "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "chief Op. Of. (COO)": "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "Chief Fin. Of. (CFO)": "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "Chief Tec. Of. 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Eine Produktübersicht finden Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>hier</a>. Zu den übermittelten Informationen können beispielsweise produktbezogene Webinare und andere produktbezogene Veranstaltungen, White Papers, Broschüren, aber auch Umfragen wie Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen und Zusendung von Neuigkeiten über Covestro zählen. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen kann, indem ich entweder meinen <a href='' target='_blank'>Widerruf</a> platziere oder den in jeder werblichen Information, enthaltenen Abmeldelink anklicke. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung finden Sie in der <a href='' target='_blank' >Datenschutzerklärung</a>.", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "productName": { "label": "Produktname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "mktoQuantity": { "label": "Muster/kg" }, "formMessage": { "label": "Kommentar" }, "mktoPrice": { "label": "Preis/kg" }, "mktoCurrency": { "label": "Währung", "options":{"": "Auswahl..." } }, "Title": { "label": "Stellenbezeichnung" }, "mktoPreferedEarliestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest frühestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoPreferedLatestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest spätestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoButton": { "submit": "Jetzt registrieren" } }
{"FieldName":"productName","Endpoint":"","Language":"de","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"Keine Ergebnisse für","MaxItem":10}

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Ihr Covestro Team

{ "function": { "label": "Funktion (Stelle)", "options": { "": "Selektieren...", "Executive Board": "Vorstand", "Head of Purchasing": "Leiter Einkauf", "Head of Sales": "Leiter Verkauf", "Head of Personnel": "Personalchef", "Assistant": "Assistent", "Fin.accountg manager": "Leiter FIBU", "Marketing Manager": "Marketingchef", "Department Head": "Abteilungsleiter", "Employee of Departm.": "Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung", "Head": "Leiter", "Manager": "Manager", "Employee": "Mitarbeiter", "Buyer": "Einkäufer", "Engineer": "Ingenieur", "Chief Ex. Of. (CEO)": "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "chief Op. Of. (COO)": "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "Chief Fin. Of. (CFO)": "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "Chief Tec. Of. 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Eine Produktübersicht finden Sie <a href='' target='_blank'>hier</a>. Zu den übermittelten Informationen können beispielsweise produktbezogene Webinare und andere produktbezogene Veranstaltungen, White Papers, Broschüren, aber auch Umfragen wie Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen und Zusendung von Neuigkeiten über Covestro zählen. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen kann, indem ich entweder meinen <a href='' target='_blank'>Widerruf</a> platziere oder den in jeder werblichen Information, enthaltenen Abmeldelink anklicke. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung finden Sie in der <a href='' target='_blank' >Datenschutzerklärung</a>.", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "productName": { "label": "Produktname", "validation": "Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." }, "mktoQuantity": { "label": "Muster/kg" }, "formMessage": { "label": "Kommentar" }, "mktoPrice": { "label": "Preis/kg" }, "mktoCurrency": { "label": "Währung", "options":{"": "Auswahl..." } }, "Title": { "label": "Stellenbezeichnung" }, "mktoPreferedEarliestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest frühestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoPreferedLatestDelivery": { "label": "Bevorzugtest spätestes Lieferdatum" }, "mktoButton": { "submit": "Jetzt registrieren" } }
{"FieldName":"","Endpoint":"","Language":"de","PermissionQuery":"","BrandLabel":"Brand","ProductLabel":"Product","NoResultLabel":"Keine Ergebnisse für","MaxItem":10}

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